Don Ball

M.Sc., P.Eng., PMP

Senior Associate

Don Ball has held a variety of engineering, marketing and sales positions in technical fields over the last 20 years, and understands the processes and challenges involved in commercializing technology products. He is keenly interested in developing and commercializing technologies that improve the environment and the quality of our lives. He played a key role in planning and implementing a flagship satellite-technology commercialization initiative, the RADARSAT User Development Program (RUDP). He is currently involved in assisting early stage space and earth observation technology companies in their commercialization and growth plans.

Throughout his career, Don has worked with leading Canadian space-technology, information-systems and R&D organizations in Silicon Valley North and the Montreal area. He has consulted with the Canadian Space Agency, National Defence, Canadian International Development Agency, Satlantic Inc., Atlantis Scientific Inc. and Passat Ltd.

Prior to becoming a management consultant, Don worked with E.H. Industries (Canada), Canadian Astronautics Ltd. (now EMS Technologies Canada), Digital Equipment of Canada and Computing Devices Company.

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