Product Development, Introduction and Migration

Your business is only as good as its next product

No business can achieve long-term success if it is a “one-trick pony.” Technology products in particular suffer from a lifecycle in which their market relevance, and revenue potential, can rapidly decline as disruptive new technologies or products are introduced. Customers are always looking for new features, added functionality and greater value for money.

Your business cannot afford to stand still. You need a “product migration strategy” that will maximize the revenue potential of existing products and support the development of new products that can capitalize on fresh market opportunities and invigorate revenues.

At Keystep, we help clients develop a comprehensive product migration strategy that will win. Even more importantly, we can define a process for validating a product concept to avoid wasting time and resources on something that does not have the competitive edge to succeed.

We begin with a New Product Strategy Review to refine your product mix and accelerate your time to market, as well as a Sales Strategy and Process Review that helps companies achieve immediate sales increases.

To learn how Keystep can help you define, implement and manage a product strategy that will maintain revenue growth and profitability

Client successes include:

PCI Software: Keystep undertook market validation projects for an early prototype to re-orient development around features and capabilities that had greater commercial potential.

Bell Canada: Keystep helped Bell take the software system it had developed internally to manage its services and spin it off into a new venture that achieved revenues of $20 million within three years from start-up.

Contact Keystep for a free consultation

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