Keystep's Training Program

Putting knowledge into practice

At Keystep Growth & Finance, we hold true to the belief that any business, no matter how innovative or unique, can benefit from a solid grounding in industry best practices through formal training.

Effective knowledge transfer through a training program can ensure a your teams are pulling in the same direction and levering all of their strengths. It can help managers coming from a strong technical background grasp the fundamentals of strategic management, market analysis and bringing a viable product to market.

The Keystep team has distilled its years of experience into a series of onsite training courses designed to empower your engineering teams, managers and directors with the business skills that will enhance their, and your company’s, probability of success. Our courses provide invaluable information, a sound implementable process and tools in the areas of:

  1. strategic business planning,
  2. plan execution,
  3. market strategy,
  4. product development, and
  5. the basics of intellectual property management.

Keystep’s on-site courses are designed to be hands on, practical and to the point. We don’t hype the latest trendy business book. Instead, we focus on the best practices that have been proven, time and again, to be fundamental for business success and teach our participants how to apply them.

Courses are either one or two days in length and designed for eight to 20 participants. We have delivered our training programs in partnership with various organizations across Canada including:

  • Ontario Centres of Excellence
  • National Research Council
  • Federal Partners for Technology Transfer
  • Innovacorp
  • University of Waterloo, Executive Training Program
  • Westlink Innovation Network Inc.
  • Annapolis Digby Economic Development Agency

Hundreds of pre-startup, startup, early growth stage and established technology companies from across Canada in all market verticals have participated in our programs in Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, Waterloo, Halifax, Annapolis, Sydney and Yarmouth.

Our partners have also turned to us to develop and deliver programs for training science and engineering Master’s and Ph.D. students prior to their joining the workforce. A large number of employees from government R&D organizations and science-based departments have also turned to Keystep to learn high-tech industry practices.


To learn how Keystep’s proven methodologies and practical training programs can quickly strengthen your team

Contact Keystep for a free consultation

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Keystep Brochure

Training Brochure