Want to Win? Get Your Org in Shape

Every organization is made up of unique individuals who want to express themselves and make their voices heard. They don’t want to be put in a box, or a category, or work in an organization that is so structured it stifles their ability to grow. However, the idea that...

Making It Work During Downturn

Layoffs are not the only, or even the best, way to manage labour costs during a downturn in your business cycle. One of the most important line items any user of financial statements looks at is the cost of labour. From the owner- manager’s point of view, lowering...

Creating Competitive Advantage

  Yes, you can compete with the big guys but you have to do it on quality and service. Most small businesses operate in what economists call a perfectly competitive market. By that, they mean no single company is big enough to set prices because of the intense...

Canada losing ground in global science race: report

  Without more support for industry investment in research and development, Canada will be hard-pressed to keep up with international competitors and will risk an erosion of its economic well-being, a benchmark report on the state of the nation’s science and...