Do you have the emotional intelligence to succeed?

There is no denying that being coachable is fundamental to your personal growth and development in whatever field you have chosen to pursue. If you are not willing to stretch the boundaries of what you know and challenge your own deeply held beliefs and assumptions,...

Getting sales to perform

You’re half-way through the quarter and one of your sales representatives is not delivering. You want to correct the situation but you have nothing on paper setting out the person’s targets. Like many entrepreneurs, you may be making a common error —trying to run a...

Ten startup hiring challenges (and tips to overcome each)

  THE YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR COUNCIL What is one common issue that you have faced with startup hires and how have you rectified the situation? Ten entrepreneurs weigh in: 1. Can’t adapt to startup style. Team members, especially those from more traditional...

Why Plan for Your Exit?

It’s happened more than once…..but my meeting last week with this client reminded me to share this experience with others. This talented entrepreneur built a business that leveraged his or her unique knowledge, expertise, energy or contacts.  The business grew as a...

The How to and Why Bother of Media Relations: Part II

Picking up from where we left off last week, here is the rest of my top 10 considerations for dealing with the media. 6) Do the right people know who you are? When a journalist writes about your company, what it does, where it’s going and the likelihood of it actually...

The How to and Why Bother of Media Relations: Part I

An effective media relations program should not be overlooked as part of a broader marketing and communications strategy to build awareness of your brand and convey your key value points to target audiences. Pound for pound, PR can provide greater bang for the buck...